

When growing plants with small or not fully formed root system is used vermiculite (2-4)mm, which is best suited at the time of root development and a higher rate of water retention, which is important at this juncture.

For pot with established root system is used vermiculite brand MEDIUM-4, or MEDIUM, and FINE-2-4 in the ratio 1:1. Vermiculite brand MEDIUM-4 larger, being near the roots, it will loose ground that she was permeable to air and water.

Growing prominent tree plant with a large root system, it is recommended to use a large vermiculite brand LARGE-8 and MEDIUM-4 in the ratio 1:1. This ratio granules perfect in this case. The largest bead loosens the soil around the root system, and more fine fuels moisture plant. To better Soil Mixture essential part of the fertile layer of the earth, peat and vermiculite in the ratio 5:3:2. For peat pots 1:1.

When the cultivation of various species of cacti, in the main part Soil Mixture containing peat, granite gravel, Ceolite and substrate hot-house, the addition of vermiculite is:

Desert cacti (Astrohytum, Echinocactus, Ferocactus, Turbinicarpus) – 20-30%

Forest cactus (Epiphyllum, Rhipsalis, Zygocactus) – 10-20%

Litopusy (Lithops …) – 40-50%

In normal soil the addition of vermiculite is for

Figs, hibiscus, Maranta, dieffenbachia, philodendron, monster, Caladium, Syngonium, alokazy, coffee trees, plektrantusov, anthuriums – 20%

Monster, philodendron, ivy, Haworthia, Gaster, stonecrops tolstyanok, gemantusov, Cleave, euharisov, gippeastrumov in SOIL MIXTURE added up to 30%

Palm trees (palm, liviston, hamedorey, Kent, hameropsov, trahikarpusov, dracaena, yukk, kordilin, Crotone, asparagus, aspidistra, laurels, tsiperusov moved up to 30-40%

Maranta, Qalat, gloxinia, begonias, ferns, cyclamen, Peperomia, spiderwort, gardenias, jasmine, Streptocarpus, violets – up to 40%

No planting or transplanting pot is not without drainage.

Vermiculite is the largest group LARGE-8 is perfect for this. At the bottom of the pot is spread a layer of vermiculite 1,5-2,5 cm, and then moved Soil Mixture. Also interesting option: a layer of expanded clay 1 cm layer of vermiculite 1,5 cm It is optimally suited for tree-like plants

Pot planted or transplanted, everything seemed to be correctly done and the drainage and Soil Mixture and landing and a pot of beautiful .

It did not seem to be quite the appearance of your pet, you can always supplement this picture, using vermiculite as a decorative mulch. To do this, take vermiculite, which you most liked the (smaller or larger), and sprinkle the top layer of soil in the pot. And you will not know your pet, as he was transfigured, how to change your appearance, fresher. Now composition is completed and all in their places.

Perhaps the use of vermiculite for potted flowers and f phytoplankton composition, and for landscape design.

Over time, all the plants grow too large or dry, and then they must be replaced by younger and stronger. This can be done easily with the help of vermiculite, multiply the old plant.

One of the most effective and quickest ways of reproduction of indoor plants – shortened cuttings (so-called vegetative propagation).

For vegetative propagation can use virtually any part of the plant: leaves, stems, layers. Next, you need to prepare a substrate for the rooting of cuttings: in any small cup to pour vermiculite is the smallest fraction of 0.5 (1) and add this amount of water that would vermiculite soaked it in themselves and in the end result was very moist.

This substrate has the best water-physical properties that affect the acceleration of root formation.

Maximum effect can be achieved with the introduction of a substrate of mineral fertilizers.

Porous granules of vermiculite momentarily absorb moisture and fertilizer, give them up gradually, creating a favorable microclimate for feeding the rootsystem. In such a substrate should be left on the cutting 5-10 days (depending on the plant) to take root and monitor so that the substrate was wet.

With the help of vermiculite can be more effective development of the root system. This method is not directly comparable with the traditional method, as rooted in water.

Vermiculite slightly hygroscopic: humidity of 40-60% of its moisture content is 6-8%, with 100% – no more than 10-11%. Moreover, vermiculite has a highadsorption capacity in relation to various products of gas exchange in the tubers of various plants. These features allow the use of vermiculite for storage of bulbs.

With such a storage decrease the level of waste arising in the case of decay, retard growth in the tubers.

Floral tubers are placed in boxes in layers, shifting each row of a layer of expanded vermiculite, whose thickness, depending on the size of the fruit varies from 2 to 5 cm .

In the second year used vermiculite can be applied after roasting or simply to make it in the spring to the ground (without roasting).

Shelf life and times of the vermiculite is not limited and only due to the preservation of its structure (porous form of granules). Made vermiculite in Soil Mixture during transplantation or landing, it will serve you until will not change the soil in pots.